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本周六来L’Amoreaux公园参加CPAC华夏节 奥运健儿带你玩蹦床 好吃好玩好礼乐翻天

由加拿大中国专业人士协会(简称CPAC)举办的一年一度的华人社区夏季活动盛事“华夏节”将于6月21日星期六在士嘉堡McNicoll夹Birchmount 东南角的L’Amoreaux公园(3075 Birchmound Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2G1)举行。



礼品多!来CPAC华夏节,就是来玩、来拿礼品。近三十家参加活动的参展商都会在现场派发小礼品或是给出商品的特别折扣价回馈参加活动的朋友们。本次活动的黄金赞助、加拿大皇家银行(RBC Royal Bank)将送出百份夏日礼品。幸运大抽奖将给出泰达旅游提供的两张机票、Harbour Inn & Resort提供的两晚酒店住宿、TD Insurance提供的运动背包(含野餐餐具一套和$50 gift card一张)、4张Royal Ontario Museum贵宾券以及Ontario Science Centre门票两张。同时,CPAC准备了200份大礼包送给前二百名来参加活动的协会会员。




今年华夏节的亮点之一,将是由本次活动的黄金赞助、加拿大皇家银行(RBC Royal Bank)推出的奥运推广大使、2008 奥林匹克蹦床银牌得主、多项蹦床世界纪录的保持者Jason Burnett的精彩蹦床表演。Burnett的赞助商Springfree(思蹦飞)蹦床公司还将在活动现场提供一套蹦床设备供小朋友们和蹦床爱好者们体验,与奥运健儿一起蹦起来!RBC的吉祥物狮子雷欧(Leo the Lion)也会来参加本届华夏节,与小朋友们一起合影、玩耍。皇家银行万锦区副总裁Anthony Lam说:“皇家银行为成为今年CPAC华夏节-Celebrate Canada的金牌赞助感到自豪。CPAC是非常有影响力的全国性机构,我们很高兴与CPAC保持常年的合作。”

今年华夏节的活动主题是‘Celebrate Canada!’并继续获得加拿大联邦政府的部分资助。



时间: 2014年6月21日(周六)11:00 am-6:00 pm
地点:L’Amoreaux Park, Picnic Area A & Shelter, 3075 Birchmound Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2G1 (McNicoll 夹 Birchmount 东南角)
更多详情请登录 或致电CPAC办公室:(416)298-7885转101

加中专业协会(简称 CPAC)成立于1992年,是在加拿大联邦政府注册的非牟利组织,目前已吸引 29,000 多名海外专业人士加入成为会员。成立22 年来,协会秉承维护移民专业人士利益的宗旨, 全方位提供专业培训, 就业及发展服务,被公认为是组织规范、制度健全、最具代表性和覆盖面的大型团体之一,备受加拿大社会各界瞩目。

Come and attend 11th CPAC Annual Summer Festival on June 21 at L’Amoreaux Park

Featuring Silver Olympic Medalist Jason Burnett

The 11th CPAC Annual Summer Festival will be held this Saturday, June 21st at L’Amoreaux Park, Picnic Area A & Shelter, at Birchmount Rd and McNicoll Ave, Scarborough.
The Summer Festival is a one-day, family event with various performances and activities. The Festival will have three activity areas: performances on stage, food & other vendors, and games and fun area for children and family. There will be many activities and prizes for all ages. There will also be many giveaways and discount vouchers to participants. RBC Royal Bank, the event’s gold sponsor, will give out hundreds of gift items. There will be a lucky draw for the grand prize of two air tickets and a second prize of two nights hotel stay in the Harbour Inn & Resort.
For the first 200 CPAC members who attend the event, each will get a gift package.
There will be activities and entertainment throughout the day. Performances include singing, dancing, fashion show, instrumental performances, martial arts performance and a mini-circus performance that will delight children and adult alike. A Youth Talent Contest will certainly draw the attention of many. And the 10 play stations will provide great fun and prizes for children.
One of the highlights of this year’s Summer Festival will be the special appearance of Jason Burnett, RBC Ambassador and 2008 Canadian Olympic Silver Medalist in trampoline. Mr. Burnett is currently the world record holder for most difficult jump in competition. Burnett’s sponsor, SpringFree Trampoline, will be providing the trampoline for him to showcase his Olympian prowess in a trampoline performance. Following the performance, the trampoline is free for everyone to jump on for the rest of the day.
RBC’s mascot, Leo the Lion, will also be attending the festival to take photographs with the children. “RBC is proud to be the gold sponsor of this year’s Summer Festival – Celebrate Canada,” said Anthony Lam, RBC Regional Vice President, Markham, “CPAC has grown into such an influential national organization, and we are honoured to be able to partner with them all year round.”
The Summer Festival – Celebrate Canada is also supported by Canadian Heritage. As always, the Summer Festival is open and free to everyone.
Facts of 11th CPAC Summer Festival:
Time&Date: 11:00 am-6:00 pm June 21, 2014
Address: L’Amoreaux Park, Picnic Area A & Shelter,
3075 Birchmound Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2G1 (Southeast of McNicoll & Birchmount)

About CPAC
The Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) is a federally registered, not-for-profit organization with the objective of serving and representing the interests of immigrant professionals. The Association has a membership of 29,000 across Canada and is the largest of its kind in Canada. Since its inception in 1992, it has expanded to serve diverse internationally trained professionals and plays an increasingly important role in our multicultural Canadian society, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area.



