地址: 156 Bullock Dr. Unit 7 Markham L3P 1W2
城市: Markham 省份: Ontario 邮编: L3P 1W2
联系人: 林师傅 电邮:
营业时间: 周一 至 周六 9:00am--- 6:00pm 周日预
1、电脑浏览:打开微信,点击【发现】(Discover),【扫一扫】(Scan QR Code)下面的二维码,打开网页后点击屏幕右上角分享按钮。2、手机浏览器:保存二维码图到本地,再打开微信的扫一扫,点击右上角【相册】,导入已保存的二维码即可。3、手机微信:长按二维码图即可识别

充满激情的夏天来啦!为感谢新老客户, 公司推出盛夏特大优惠(有效至31/08/2016)

1. 更换前,后保险杠(bumper covers) 仅 260$ 起 (包工包料),前后Bumper维修仅130$起! 修复喷漆 80$ 起!

2. 所有人工(labours) 8.5折优惠

3. 五年质量保证


高档次的车身维修,喷漆设备!专业车身维修师, 政府注册喷漆师,前宝马喷油师==林师傅 亲自为你服务,保证质量!

* 专修车身碰撞,刮伤,划痕,掉漆,锈蚀, dent, ding, hail damage

* 更换修理车灯, 门锁,摇窗机, 观后镜,排气管,前后bumper, fender, hood

* 车底防锈喷油$80

可预约上门抢修, 24/7 拖车服务


公司营业时间:周一 至 周六 9:00am— 6:00pm 周日预约

地址:156 Bullock Dr. Unit 7 Markham L3P 1W2

电话:647-966 5868

“ 修车,当然还找林师傅!”


  • Completely dishonest and highly unethical. I recommend you take your business elsewhere and save yourself some trouble. My car had hail dents and needed to be repaired. Due to a friend's recommendation, I made arrangements at Mr. Lin's auto-shop to repair my car. Mr. Lin had initially PROMISED the appraisal service company that he was able to fix the car. After a week of contacting the insurance company and appraisal company, they had finally giving me a quote and had informed me that they've contacted Mr. Lin as well. After a week, I did not hear from Mr. Lin. After following up with him with MULTIPLE phone calls and emails, he had informed me that he did not have the proper equipment to fix my car. Without an apology, he said that I must go elsewhere after weeks of work negotiating with all the parties. This is completely unacceptable customer service and I am highly disappointed.


